Walnut sapwood is very creamy white in color, while the heartwood, which ranges in color from light to a rich, dark brown, and matures to an almost purplish-black hue. Walnut often carries characteristically dark brown or purplish streaks. Walnut has a coarse, yet uniform texture, and while usually straight-grained, it is sometimes wavy or curly. This species produces a large variety of figure types.

Formal Name: Black Walnut

Other Names:

Yellow Poplar, Tulip Wood

The sapwood of White Oak is light in color and can range from a pale yellow-brown to a greyish-white. The heartwood may be either light brown in color, or a darker brown with deep, golden tones. The distinctive coarse texture and straight grain has longer rays than Red Oak. Fasting-growing Oaks, such as those grown in the South, produce wider, more prominent growth rings.

Formal Name: Quercus Alba

Eastern White Pine is a soft Pine known for is light weight and fine, even texture. The sapwood usually appears pale and creamy, sometimes with yellow tones. The heartwood varies from a straw-like color to a deep yellowish-tan color. Resin ducts often appear as fine brown lines. The grain is straight with growth rings that are not well marked.

Formal Name: Quercus Alba

Other Names:

Knotty Pine

Alder, when freshly cut, is very pale, almost white in color. As it begins to oxidize, the color grows deeper and takes on golden and red tones. Heartwood occurs only in trees of advanced age. The boundary between Alder sapwood and heartwood is virtually invisible. The wood has a fine, uniform textured with a straight, yet subdued grain.

Formal Name: Alnus Rubra

Other Names:

Alder thrives throughout the Pacific Northwest, with growth occurring from Alaska, down through several Canadian provinces, and as far south as Southern California. It is the most abundant hardwood in the area.

Red gum comes from the heartwood of the tree and takes on red tones that range from light red to reddish brown with dark streaks. The irregular grain is frequently interlocked and has a fine, consistent texture. The irregular grain often produces an attractive figure.

Formal Name: Liquidambar styraciflua

Other Names:

American red gum, sap gum, starleaf gum, sweetgum, sapgum, satin walnut or bilsted

Cedar is known for its attractive red color and sweet smell. The heartwood ranges in color from medium reddish-brown to a deep orange-red. Growth rings are clearly visible with strong contrast between early wood zones and denser, late wood zones. The grain is usually straight, although sometimes marred by knots, and has a coarse texture. Cedar is most well known for its scent and its ability to repel or kill most insects that might damage clothing and linens.

Formal Name: Eastern Red Cedar

Other Names:

American red gum, sap gum, starleaf gum, sweetgum, sapgum, satin walnut or bilsted